Let’s Talk About Transcription
The Blender and the Whisk: Why AI Won’t Replace You—It’ll Empower You
Imagine you’re in a kitchen, baking a cake. You reach for a whisk—it’s reliable, trusted, and has always gotten the job done. Right next to it sits a shiny new blender. The blender can mix things faster, but without the whisk, could it perfect the frosting?
The impact of the Jan 28th, 2025 Gen AI Practice Note from NSW Supreme Court
On January 28, 2025, the Supreme Court of New South Wales, Australia issued a practice note regarding the acceptable and unacceptable uses of Gen AI. The following post is intended to provide insight into the impact of this practice note for clients using Loom Analytics' services, including:
Claudio (Speech Services), Structura (Document Analysis Services), Shakespeare (Language Summarization & Synthesis services)
New Update: Customize Your Transcript Profiles in Claudio
Claudio’s new Custom Transcript Profiles feature allows you to fully customize your transcription settings. Adjust profile names, descriptions, language, and formatting. You can also clone, archive, or upload custom transcript templates for specific projects. This update streamlines workflow, ensuring consistency and efficiency across all transcription tasks.
Transforming Medicolegal Report Production with Our New Claudio IME Workflow
Time-consuming IME reports not only require accurate transcription of dictations but also necessitate the extraction of critical data from various documents, such as medical reports, statutory forms, and letters of intent. That’s why we’re introducing Claudio IME, an innovative workflow designed to revolutionize IME report production. Read the full article to learn more.
Headphones For Typists That Are Worth Investing In
This article reviews the best wired headphones for transcriptionists, emphasizing the importance of sound quality, durability, and ear health. It provides recommendations for models that excel in these areas, detailing their features and benefits. Investing in quality headphones is crucial for enhancing transcription accuracy and maintaining long-term hearing health.
Do You Type Recorded Statements for Insurance Claims Investigations?
Tired of creating professional insurance templates from scratch? In this blog post, we'll guide you through creating a customised Microsoft Word template that’s designed to help optimise your workflow when typing recorded statements.
Claudio AI Revolutionises Seamless Speech-To-Text Recognition with World’s First Grammar Ready Feature
After many months spent developing and testing Grammar Ready, we at Loom Analytics are proud to say that we have built an unprecedented add-on to our already incredible Claudio service. Continue reading to learn more!
5 Essential Features to Look for in a Transcription Tool
Selecting the right tool is essential for transcriptionists seeking to optimise their workflow and enhance productivity. Understanding how accuracy, data security, speed, text formatting, and custom templates elevate your workflow will help you choose tools that align with your and your clients’ unique needs and preferences.
2024 - Top 3 tech trends that will transform the Transcription Industry
Tech trends that will shape the transcription industry in 2024