The impact of the Jan 28th, 2025 Gen AI Practice Note from NSW Supreme Court
On January 28, 2025, the Supreme Court of New South Wales, Australia issued a practice note regarding the acceptable and unacceptable uses of Gen AI. The following post is intended to provide insight into the impact of this practice note for clients using Loom Analytics' services, including:
· Claudio (Speech Services)
· Structura (Document Analysis Services)
· Shakespeare (Language Summarization & Synthesis services)
Paragraph 6 of the Practice Note addresses these specific services:
For the avoidance of doubt, for the purposes of this Practice Note, Gen AI does not include technology or functionality which merely corrects spelling or grammar, provides transcription or translation, assists with formatting and otherwise does not generate substantive content...
Loom Analytics' services use Gen AI for the following features:
· Claudio - Grammar Ready
· Structura – Document Chronologies and Document Extraction
· Shakespeare - Summarization
As indicated in the excerpt from Paragraph 6 above, these services are acceptable uses of Gen AI as they do not generative substantive content. These services take data from source documents and audio files and generate useful information for the various services on the Loom Analytics platform.
Content Accuracy implications
When using Gen AI for the delivery of its services, Loom Analytics provides the data to the model to extract the relevant information from the data. In this scenario, the model does generate information from its training data. It is instead provided with training samples that are used as a pattern for the purposes of generating information only from data provided by Loom Analytics for a specific job.
Security implications
Loom Analytics’ Gen AI servers are in an isolated environment where the data is not used for training any AI models.
Expert Reports implications
Sections 19 to 25 of the Practice Note refer to the use of Gen AI to generate Expert Reports. Features currently available in Loom Analytics’ products are not impacted by these sections. However, we will be introducing AI Scribe features using Gen AI such as automatically completing report templates and answering questions from audios, and these features can be interpreted as drafting use cases currently limited by these sections of the Practice Note. Once these features are available, we will clearly highlight them as being dependent on Gen AI in the platform.