How to Produce an IME Report in Half the Time

There are two things that all transcription efforts require: efficiency and accuracy.

Transcription companies, QA teams, and CEOs/owners are looking to streamline their operations and boost productivity. 

The biggest challenge we hear from most medicolegal companies around the world is customer turnaround times. The pressure from clients and insurance companies as well as the lack of automation in most medicolegal firms means low productivity. As a result, IME reports are completed in days when they could be done in half the time.

Tedious, time-consuming tasks like:

  • reading through 350+ page reports,

  • manually extracting data from letters of instruction, and

  • manually transcribing the dictation

All of these bottleneck the process before the final finalisation of the report.

This whole process can take days, is time consuming, error-prone, and is all manual. For most medicolegal firms, this sunk cost consumes up to 40% of the total operating costs.

Enter Claudio, the AI-powered transcript automation service that is transforming the way Independent Medical Examination (IME) reports are produced. This article explores the significant benefits Claudio offers to medicolegal firms, enterprise users and typists/editors alike and serves to highlight the 70% time savings and enhanced workflow efficiency it brings to the table.

Here are some key questions and points that clients typically bring up:

My document management team spends a lot of time doing data extraction and review. How can Claudio help?

Claudio can read a letter of instruction from the law firm, extract pertinent details, listen to the audio/dictation, and then create a first draft IME report in minutes. What would previously take hours/days is now completed in minutes. Your transcript team now spends less time doing repetitive work and spends more time reviewing and submitting.

I Already Have Typists, So Why Would I Use Claudio?

Most companies and owners find it sufficient to have a skilled team of typists to handle the transcription process. However, even the fastest typists with impressive words-per-minute (WPM) speeds face limitations when it comes to handling large volumes of audio content.

Sufficient is not enough.

On average, it takes a highly proficient typist approximately 4 hours to transcribe 1 hour of audio. This means that, within an 8-hour workday, a typist can only transcribe about 2 hours of audio. Claudio changes this dynamic entirely. With Claudio generating a first draft transcript, the time required to transcribe 1 hour of audio drops dramatically to just 1 hour and 15 minutes. This allows a typist to process over 8 hours of audio within the same 8-hour workday.

In other words: a typist can finalise 6 reports in a single workday instead of just 2.

The result? A significant boost in productivity that enables your team to handle more work without increasing labour costs.

A Typist Still Needs to Listen to the Whole Audio Anyway

It's a common misconception that using AI transcription tools means a typist must still listen to the entire audio file to ensure accuracy. While it's true that human oversight is necessary, the role of the typist evolves from mere transcription to transcript editing. Claudio's AI-generated transcripts are highly accurate, reducing the amount of time spent on initial transcription and allowing typists to focus on refining and finalizing the document.

As transcript editors, typists can now address the nuances and specific details required for each IME report more efficiently. On average, it takes less than 1 hour and 15 minutes for a typist turned editor to finalize a 1-hour IME report using Claudio, whereas a manual typist would take approximately 4 hours. This shift in role not only enhances job satisfaction by reducing repetitive strain but also increases the number of reports a typist can finalize in a typical workday.

There Are Nuances Per Doctor That We Still Need to Take into Account

The medical/legal industries are known for their complexity and the need to capture nuanced information accurately. Different doctors may have unique ways of presenting information, and it’s important to factor in these subtleties when ensuring the quality and reliability of IME reports. Claudio is designed with these challenges in mind.

By leveraging advanced machine learning algorithms and natural language processing, Claudio can adapt to the specific terminology and style of individual doctors over time. This adaptability means that the initial draft produced by Claudio is more aligned with the doctor's preferences, reducing the amount of editing required.

Moreover, Claudio’s AI model continually learns and improves from the feedback provided by transcript editors and as our team communicates with clients. This continuous learning process ensures that Claudio becomes more adept at handling the specific nuances associated with different medical professionals, ultimately leading to higher quality transcripts and faster turnaround times.

Our Current Workflow Already Has Some Automation

Why have just one foot in the door when you could reduce your operations costs by 80%?

In addition to its powerful transcription capabilities, Claudio offers additional workflows specifically designed to benefit medicolegal IME files, including Structura, a component of Claudio that offers unparalleled document extraction and automation services.

Document Extraction

When dealing with IME reports, text & speech analysis and document generation are often time-consuming and error-prone tasks. This sunk cost consumes up to 40% of the total operating costs. 

Claudio automates this process by accurately extracting critical information such as patient names, dates of birth, and claim numbers from various documents. It reduces up to 80% of operations costs and improves your staff’s work experience by allowing them to focus on value-added tasks and review.

By automating these repetitive tasks, Claudio significantly reduces the time and effort required to process documents, allowing staff to focus on more value-added activities. This automation not only improves efficiency but also enhances the accuracy and reliability of the extracted data.

Document Automation

Claudio's document automation capabilities take the efficiency of IME report production to a better, seamless, and more efficient level. After extracting all necessary data, Claudio can automatically generate comprehensive IME reports using the extracted information and assessor's dictation. This integration of data extraction and document generation streamlines your entire workflow, reduces the need for manual intervention, and minimizes the risk of errors.

The document automation process follows a structured workflow:

  1. Upload Source Media and Documents: Media and documents are uploaded through various methods, including web applications, APIs, sFTP, and Dropbox.

  2. Media Pre-Processing: The media is pre-processed to crop, merge, and convert files as needed.

  3. Document Classification and Extraction: Source documents are classified, and relevant data is extracted.

  4. Transcript Production: Claudio generates transcripts using speech-to-text technology, followed by text post-processing and document automation.

  5. Release Completed Transcripts/Reports: The finalized transcripts and reports are completed and ready for review and release.

This fully automated, contactless workflow not only speeds up the IME report production process but also ensures consistency and accuracy across all documents.


Your operations won’t perform at their absolute best with only one foot in the door. Let us help you automate your workflow, free up your staff’s time to focus on higher-value work, and maximize your productivity and and returns per employee.

Incorporating Claudio into your transcription workflow offers unparalleled advantages. By significantly reducing the time required to produce IME reports, Claudio not only increases productivity but also transforms the role of typists into more skilled and efficient transcript editors. This evolution in the transcription process ensures that your team can handle higher volumes of work with greater accuracy and satisfaction.

For transcription companies, QA teams, and CEOs/owners looking to optimize their operations, Claudio represents a powerful tool that delivers both time savings and improved quality. 

The future of transcription is here. Experience the benefits of cutting-edge AI technology in your workflow with Claudio today.


Transforming Medicolegal Report Production with Our New Claudio IME Workflow


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