How Claudio Ensures Compliance With Your Undertaking As An ACT

Claudio does not violate compliance with your undertaking as an ACT as it is a fully automated transcription service with data stored in Canada and deleted as per your data retention policies.


  • There is no human access to your information in Claudio except for you uploading the audio and downloading the transcript. It is a fully automated workflow.

  • You can request that all data related to your job is deleted within 24 hours of the job being processed. Your data retention policies for your account can be set up exactly how you need them to be.

  • All data is stored in Canada as your account will be created on our Canadian server.

On Friday, August 23, 2024, Arkley Professional Services issued an email directive regarding ACTs using cloud service providers to transcribe court recordings, in particular:

"To ensure compliance, ACTS are reminded... ACTs should never provide access to court recordings to another person who is not an ACT, either directly or indirectly, and should never upload court recordings to third party cloud/web-based software/applications.

We believe this is in reference to this section of the ACT undertaking:

2(e) I will not copy, save, upload, download, share, permit or assist others to hear, provide copies or otherwise disseminate the audio court recording, including any annotation in the audio file, in any way except where necessary for the purpose of:

i) transcribing the proceedings myself; and/or

Our interpretation of this clause is that you may not do those following actions unless for the purpose of transcribing the proceedings yourself. When using Claudio, there is no other human who has access to your data - it is only you using Claudio to generate the transcript yourself with no other person involved. 

We've also been asked whether someone is transcribing the audio files on our end. This is absolutely not the case: Claudio is not a person. It's an AI that has been extensively trained to process hours of audio and produce a transcript within minutes.

The current ACT data transmission involves online transfer at multiple steps:

  1. ACTs receive their audio files through an online link from Court Services.

  2. ACTs transcribe audios using Microsoft Word, which is a third-party software with built-in cloud services.

  3. ACTs email completed transcripts back to the requesting clients.

Using a secure online fully automated service with data residing in Canada is another step that is required by you for the purpose of transcribing proceedings, if that is your transcription process.

Some additional notes:

  • By default, Claudio is set to delete your transcript data and files after 24 hours, but you can easily configure this to your specifications, whether it's 1, 2, or 30 days. 

  • Our fully HIPAA and GDPR-compliant service is used globally to process sensitive legal and medical records, so we understand how important security is. 

An ACT’s work is vital in ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of court proceedings in Ontario. Claudio, our AI-powered transcript automation service, is designed with these requirements in mind to ensure that using Claudio does not violate your ACT undertaking.

Here’s how:

1. No Human Access to Your Data

Claudio operates as a fully automated transcription service. This means that from the moment you upload an audio file to the moment you download the final transcript, no human has access to your data. The entire workflow is managed by the Claudio AI, so your information remains confidential and inaccessible to anyone but you.

2. Flexible Data Retention Policies

With Claudio, you have full control over how long your data is stored, ranging from immediate deletion to never delete. If your policies require that data be deleted shortly after processing, you can request that all related data is deleted within 24 hours after the job is completed. Setting up these retention policies will keep you aligned with your legal obligations and personal preferences.

3. Canadian Data Residency

To further comply with legal requirements and ensure data sovereignty, Claudio stores all your data on Canadian servers. This guarantees that your data never leaves the country, meeting the jurisdictional requirements that all ACTs must adhere to.

These three key features ensure that by using Claudio, you can significantly boost your transcript workflow with confidence that you're still in compliance with your ACT undertaking.

For more details on how Claudio can support your transcription work while maintaining the highest standards of security, learn more.


New Update: Customize Your Transcript Profiles in Claudio


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